ALASKA’S BATTLE RIVER Wilderness Retreat… Home of Glacial Carved Rivers, Majestic Mountain Peaks and the Great Alaskan Brown Bear!

We have one of the most beautiful settings in all of Alaska! Just look at the snow-capped peaks of the rugged Alaska Range that stand sentinel over our secluded location here on Katmai’s Battle Lake.  Our wood-frame “Alaskan” cabins with their oil stoves and fresh linen are about as cozy as they come.  Complement this with a modern bathhouse with hot showers, a riverfront dining cabin serving family style meals and you might just have the “time of your life.” Our staff…well, other than being professional and personable, they seem to like to tell tall tales---some you believe, some you don’t---but the flavor will make your trip truly memorable.  After all, we’re just friendly people who want to share Alaska’s magnificent Katmai wilderness with you!

“The setting at Battle is absolutely enchanting – a valley in the remote interior of Katmai National Park with magnificent vistas of colorful tundra sweeping invitingly away to the surrounding hills and mountains, a large and beautiful lake, and a hidden valley with a large beaver pond and a second lake.  The mood is impressively different depending upon the weather: overcast with the tops of the mountains shrouded in clouds and a cold wind blowing off the lake; bright, warm sunshine and a clear blue sky; or the lake under a clear night sky with the light of a nearly full moon tracing a shining path across the water.  The effect is truly magical.”


Is Battle River for me?

Battle River Wilderness Retreat only accommodates eight guests at a time.  We encourage enthusiastic people with a healthy appreciation of our natural environment to join us.  We are especially suited for families and small groups of friends or business associates.

“The camp projects an aura of excitement and adventure, a promise which is quickly and completely fulfilled.”